Meri Horton
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Meri worked as an administrator for the State of Illinois for 28 years before launching her full-time coaching business. She has a passion for married and engaged couples.
“Doing time” is defined as staying married for being married, but you are miserable. ... simply going through the
motions of living."
Fasten your seat belt. You are getting ready
to ride through my life and the lives of women like me.
In this powerful anthology it reveals the heart of prayer and why it is ever so important as intercessors to remain on the front lines in prayer and to cover the nation for God's Glory.
Available Books
This anthology captures the stories of women and men in leadership who have endured and have become successful in business, ministry and as leaders.
devotional filled with personal testimonies and words of wisdom for married couples, by married couples.
Customer Review
Gina Bess
"Doing Time" is an excellent tool not just for marriages, but for those who are dating as well. This is a great read that will help you navigate through the rough times as well as maintain a healthy relationship. It's a book and workbook all in one. I Love It!
Apostle Dion Campbell
Trust me, what you are about to experience is not just a book of theories based on wishful thinking. This easy-to-read the compilation is a bonafide relationship masterpiece that
provides step-by-step instructions on how to build a successful marriage
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855 927-3977
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20200 Governors Drive 3rd fl suite 361
Olympia Fields, IL 60461